Eton Community Association - Together making Eton even better

Chairman, Eton Community Association Ros lives in Eton and Chairs ECA. She is very involved in many aspects of Eton, including the Neighbourhood Plan and the Eton Walkway as well as all the aspects of Eton Community Association. Ros worked in Industry after which she decided to add community involvement, company board work and more time with family & friends to her activities

Secretary, Eton Community Association

Treasurer, Eton Community Association Stewart is an Eton resident and has lived in the Windsor area for 30 years

Committee Member, Eton Community Association Malcolm lives and works in Eton. Malcolm’s business, Manley Gallery, has been in Eton High Street for 60 of the Galleries 125 years life – see Eton Matters Issue 10 – with Malcolm running the gallery and restoration business since 1986. Malcolm is one of a small group who founded Eton Community Association in 2010 and held the Chair until 2014/2015.

Committee Member, Eton Community Association Christine lives in Dorney and has business interests in Eton, which brings a special connection for her to our Town. Christine currently works in London for a high profile person and her excellent organisational skills are impressive, which became evident as co-organiser of the Eton Magna Carta fete which was a huge contribution to Eton.

Committee Member, Eton Community Association Stephen lives in Eton and has excellent connections to Eton College. Steve is an electrical engineer by day in London, but is taking a lead role for the 2016 Christmas Lights Switch on event when time allows. Steve can always be seen at ECA events "just getting on with it"

Associate Committee Member, Eton Community Association Paul, the Windsor, Eton and Ascot Town Manager is our friend indeed. Paul’s role spans everything from seeking and providing extensive help and expertise to any Eton events and projects that we run, to ensuring our Eton streets look good and are in an improving state of repair, for example enhancing the electricity supplies so that the Christmas lights look excellent!

Committee Member, Eton Community Association

Committee Member, Eton Community Association

Editor, Eton Matters Magazine