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Flood Alleviation Scheme

Chris Reeve from Eton College wants to update that the College is tasked to undertake a flood alleviation scheme to mitigate flooding risk within the area as we work with the EA and local planning authority as part of the wider strategy. 

The scheme involves excavating a shallow basin and connecting ditch within a field south of Eton Wick Road (click here) which will then be carefully planted with wild meadow grass to ensure it blends into the existing surroundings, and supplemented with a species rich hedgerow to enhance ecology and biodiversity within the area. 


Ahead of the actual works to do this there will be various surveys, including digging then backfilling archaeological trenches (click here).


Mindful of the houses opposite which overlook this area, be reassured all works will be undertaken as sensitively as possible, by competent contractors to avoid onerous noise etc.  


Chris says: “I wanted to share below in case any one got the wrong impression that this field is being built on - to re-assure rather this is all about improving flood drainage and biodiversity to enhance this natural green ‘lung’ -  when contractors get on site I worry people might think something is going to be built on this beautiful meadow, which to re-assure is certainly is not the case!”

The initial project activities are shown below, and you can contact Chris for more information here:

Chris Reeve MRICS

Buildings & Facilities Director | Eton College | Windsor | Berkshire | SL4 6DW

Mobile:  07552 546978  Tel: 01753 370500


Dates (specific or potential window)

Anticipated Duration



Below Ground Services investigations

1st – 2ndAugust

2 days


Radar scan of ground to establish location of underground services. This will involve manually pushing large scanning equipment (similar to a large lawnmower) back and forth over the field.


Archaeological investigations

26th August – 6th September(Exact dates within above window TBC)


3 days (may extend if any archaeological discoveries)

Berkshire Archaeological

Excavation of various trenches across field to ensure no items of archaeological significance within site boundary


Trenches will be backfilled upon completion.


Please refer to the second attachment  which shows the extent of the trenches to be dug.

Soil investigation survey

26th August – 6th September(aiming to coincide with Archaeological investigations)


1 day 


Excavation of small trial pits across the site followed by off-site sample testing.


Trial pits to be backfilled upon completion.

Construction of flood alleviation basin (the main works)

May be autumn or spring/summer next year dependent on weather conditions


C. 2 – 3 weeks


Excavation of basin to create area of low lying land and connecting ditch for flood mitigation. This will subsequently be planted with wild meadow grass.  This phase will involve larger vehicle movements to dispose of excavated soil. A Routing Strategy Plan (approved by RBWM) will be in place to minimise highways impact. The contractor will also have an obligation to ensure highways are kept clear of mud throughout the works, and will exercise all due care.


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