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Supporting Ukraine

We will continue to put ways that you can help the people of Ukraine here on the ECA Website. The Flame for Freedom candle sales have now raised more than £20,000 with orders continuing to pour in. The funds pass directly to the Ukranian Embassy. Well done indeed to Olga and Vlada. .

Olga's candles are now also on sale at the Eton Information Centre, with all funds passing directly to Flame for Freedom and from there to the Ukrainian Embassy

The Variety Show concert organised by Jane and friends (NB - this was not an ECA event) is in support of the British Red Cross Ukraine appeal and has realised £1,555 from the donations. Congratulations!

Flame of Freedom Candles

You may want to support Ukraine in various ways. Here is one way, with these "Flame Of Freedom" Candles, as described in the local Press the poster alongside Read Press article Here are other links about this:-


Copyright Eton Community Association 2021

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